The Schwiderski Therapeutic Method LNT®

The Schwiderski Therapeutic Method LNT® Reparing and Overcoming

The New  Therapy or Schwiderski Method  by Myr Monteverde LNT® Trained Therapy


Listening to Philippe Schwiderski speak about the emotional origin and energetic imbalance of fibromyalgia and other ailments helped me articulate what I had known and felt all along. My ailments named Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Myalgic Encephalomyelitis had an energetic origin.

It was then that I decided to undergo the training that has brought about a substantial evolution in how I live with these symptoms and in how I perceive my emotions.

I’ve experienced that dialogue among my physical, energetic, and spiritual bodies, which constantly communicate with us.

Calmness and serenity have returned to my life and linger with me longer each day. Currently, I’m still in my process, and the results are very positive.


The Schwiderski Method LNT®


What does this therapeutic method consist of?

The method, is an experiential therapeutic approach designed to complement rather than replace medical treatments. Its primary focus is on guiding individuals towards the restoration of the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of their being, along with realigning frequencies. This therapy has shown promise in alleviating various physical ailments and resolving personal challenges such as phobias, addictions, scarcity mindset, indecision, and insecurity.


What do we want to express with these terms?

  • Quantum: Explaining what we are Energy with capital letters, it is difficult to explain, we need to experience it in our physical and emotional body to understand it. Conceiving that we are not matter, but energy condensed in the physical body and in other bodies (emotional and spiritual) with different frequencies, is complex, since we always cling to what is tangible and what we can see and touch.

From The New Therapy, the universe is felt as pure energy in which our three bodies (physical, energetic and spiritual) have certain frequencies that, under the impact of stress, the death of a loved one, trauma due to illness or an accident traffic, for example, they are altered, losing health and this can lead to physical or emotional illness.


  • Non-invasive: LNT® is a treatment in which the person’s body is not manipulated and the contact, depending on the case, is very subtle (no instrument is used).


  • It is not interpreted: it is not commented on, nor is it talked about the supposed origin of the disease, nor is it judged. The person is accompanied.
    Experiential: you have to experience it and it cannot be defined. Each session is unique


What is a session like?

Before the session, there is a contact with the person who wants to carry out the treatment to gather all the necessary information before starting it.

It doesn’t matter if you suffer from osteoarthritis, hernias, fibromyalgia, or another emotional condition such as insecurity, anxiety, stress or sadness.

The LNT® will treat what you want to heal. Mention that it is very important to be clear about what you want to repair or overcome in your life at that moment

The treatment will prioritize the healing of the three bodies indicated below, getting to the root of the issue to be treated:



Capacitada en la terapia LNT®

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What can you experience in the sessions?

The purpose of the New Therapy sessions is to restore the balance of our entire being in a comprehensive way.

The LNT® seeks to harmonize those frequencies that produce involuntary movements in the person.

These movements, at first, may seem strange because they usually manifest themselves in the client as stretching, yoga exercises, tai chi, visualizations or, simply, stillness or sleep induction… but they become healing, unrepeatable and unique.

Each individual will experience the session differently.

The main aims is to increase energetics resources and go to the root of what has caused this imbalance in the physical, energetic or spiritual body.



Who can attend?

The LNT® is open to all humans of any age and even pets.

Indicate that minors must attend in the company of their legal guardians and for people with serious ailments, it is advisable to perform remote healing as well as those who suffer from other conditions that will be analyzed with those interested.


What format do we offer?

In person: in consultation or at home (people with special circumstances or reduced mobility).

Distance: being a quantum method, it allows us to carry out remote sessions and schedule them with the help of the consultant, since the full name, a photograph and in special cases the permission of parents or guardians are needed to be able to test. , if that patient, can receive the treatment.

Note that, even if you are not physically present in the session, the therapist is dedicating that time to the person to be treated and only to them, so the commitment between both parties is essential.

Why remotely? All human beings are energy and we are surrounded by an energetic network along which we can move only with intention and attention. Therefore, this energetic dialogue that is established in the LNT® sessions can be in both modalities, in person or distance.


How long does a treatment last and how many times should I go?

The duration of a session is usually 1 hour, depending on the person, with the exception of children and elderly people who should not exceed 40 minutes.


Treatment frequency:

In-person: It is necessary that 12 days and even two weeks elapse between one session and another, these will continue until the patient overcomes their illness or deems it appropriate.

Distance: It is checked and programmed with the help of the consultant who, through a test carried out by the therapist, determines the number of sessions that are necessary.

All modalities are analyzed with the client and the procedure is explained, following up on them during the treatment


Treatment Reactions: The Healing Crisis

The healing crisis is part of the healing or purification process of our body that translates into a series of symptoms. Every time we do a treatment, issues that are dormant, repressed, awaken in us.

On some occasions, this worsening sensation may occur; but it’s not like that. It is a normal and natural process that the body requires and seeks to reach its center; to its balance.

As people, we carry many emotional burdens, experiences and experiences. The body looks for the way it can to release them physically and emotionally.

This “crisis” manifests itself in each individual with different intensities and even in an imperceptible or mild way in many cases.

The New LNT® Therapy DOES NOT SUBSTITUTE MEDICAL TREATMENTS and is in favor of the progress and study of medicine and science.



Reserva Bienestar


Myriam Sierra Monteverde

Trained in LNT® Therapy
Systemic Therapy (Family Constellations)
Emotional Coaching (U.A.M.)

Mobile: +34660820227

In-person consultations in the Marbella and Estepona Area (Málaga) and Community of Madrid
On distance in any area of the planet




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La Radiestesia como Complemento en La Nueva Terapia

La Raíz con Myr Terapeuta Capacitada en la Terapia LNT®


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